Talley Vineyards is committed to providing a safe, enjoyable, and inclusive place to work and visit that celebrates the diversity of our community. We believe our business is improved by the individuality of all people, and we welcome everyone regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, identity, sexual orientation, and background. We are committed to continually assessing our business practices, with the goal of attaining equity in all aspects of business operations and hospitality for our guests. We aspire to be a place where diversity of thought is embraced, and all are welcome.

Code of Conduct  

  • We value the comfort, personal safety, and inclusion of visitors and employees above all.
  • We have ZERO tolerance for harassment or discrimination. Harassment and discrimination can include, but are not limited to, offensive comments pertaining to disability, physical appearance or body type, gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexuality, mental or cognitive function, neurodivergence, religion, body size, race, or ethnicity.
  • Violence and threats of violence are not tolerated.

Violation of this code of conduct will result in expulsion from the premises.  We expect cooperation from all visitors, employees and owners to help ensure a safe environment for everybody. Any violations of our code of conduct will be investigated as soon as possible and appropriate actions taken based on such investigation

If you feel as though our code of conduct has been violated in any way, please report immediately to the Tasting Room Manager on duty or Brian Talley.